Quick Exit

Ms K’s evidence was about the abuse she suffered by two Marist Brothers in her family home. Ms K made a complaint to the Professional Standards Resource Group in Australia. At the time the Marist Brothers were investigating the complaint, both men were no longer Marist Brothers. They denied the allegations and the Order felt they could do no more. Ms K engaged a lawyer to challenge this response, but the Marist Brothers said she could no longer make a claim due to the Limitations Act. Ms K made a Police statement and criminal proceedings were successful against her abusers. The Marist Brothers have since contacted Ms K with an offer of a $5,000 ex gratia payment, which she declined. Ms K also outlined her experience with the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and the difficulty she went through in ACC’s impairment assessments to get compensation for the injuries she suffered as a result of sexual abuse.

Ms K First Witness Statement Redacted

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