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Walton Ngatai-Mathieson is a survivor of the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit. He was born in Ruatoria and is of Ngāti Porou descent. From the age of five he was blind in one eye and partially blind in his other eye. At age nine he was sent away from home to attend Homai College and was taught braille. He developed epilepsy and it became difficult for his grandparents to look after him. He was sent to Gisborne Hospital before being transferred to Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit in 1972 at age 12. He was admitted twice to the Child and Adolescent Unit for approximately six weeks and later 12 months. Mr Ngatai-Mathieson gave evidence about his experiences and the abuse he suffered, both sexually and physically, while at the unit and other State institutions.

Witness statement of Walton Ngatai Mathieson for Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit hearing v2

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