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Peter Galvin

At the time of the hearing Peter Galvin was the General Manager of Partnering for Outcomes at Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children. His role was focused on the relationships Oranga Tamariki has with social service providers, including certain providers of residential care services. Peter Galvin’s evidence discussed the nature of the State regulatory framework for children and young people who were in private institutions, such as Marylands School. It also discussed disclosures of abuse made to social workers by boys at Marylands School, and the current approach to State oversight of third-party providers of residential care.

Linda Hrstich-Meyer

At the time of the hearing Linda Hrstich-Meyer was the General Manager (previous Director) of Historic Claims at the Ministry of Social Development. Her evidence was about the assessment and resolution of claims about abuse and neglect of children and young people while in the care of the Ministry and its predecessor.