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Mr Hesseltine was employed as a psychiatric assistant at the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit starting in 1974 and ending in 1979.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video
Ms Barr worked as a hospital aid at Lake Alice Hospital.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Mr Cameron will give evidence about representing former Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit patients in litigation.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Brian Stabb was a psychiatric nurse who worked in mental health for over 30 years.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Mr JJ is a 62-year-old male of Irish and Māori descent.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
This person is the partner of a Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit survivor who is now deceased.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Michael Ferriss, Victor Boyd, and Bruce Gibson gave evidence on behalf of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR).
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video
Dr Parsonson will provide an overview of the use of Aversion Therapy (including chemical and electrical aversive stimuli), Operant Punishment and Electroconvulsive Therapy in standard clinical practice.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Mr Doolan was Principal of Holdsworth School from 1973.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video
Mr Watson worked as a Housemaster at Holdsworth Boys’ Home from late 1972 until mid-1975.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video