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Mr AA is a 60-year-old man of Irish descent and survivor of the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit. Prior to admission to Lake Alice, he was physically abused in his family home, sexually abused by someone in his community, and spent time in Epuni Boys Home, Whatman Home, a Family Home and Kohitere Boys Home. He was sent to Lake Alice in 1975 and spent three months there. While at Lake Alice, he experienced psychological abuse, electroconvulsive therapy, and was given paraldehyde injections as punishment. After leaving Lake Alice, Mr AA was sent to Invercargill Borstal, and then spent most of his adult life in prison. Mr AA also gave evidence on the impacts on his children, and the redress processes with Grant Cameron and Sonja Cooper.

Statement of Mr AA for Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit hearing

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