Quick Exit

***Distressing content warning***

Talanoa is a concept recognised in many Pacific island nations including Niue, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Hawai’i and the Cook Islands. Broadly speaking, talanoa usually entails inclusive, participatory and transparent dialogue between all parties without a set format or structure.

The talanoa panels are intended to lay down the first strands of weaving in what is hoped, over time, will become sturdy baskets of knowledge in each area. 

The second talanoa panel will open a discussion around redress. Panellists will explore ideas around what effective redress principles, processes and systems might look like for Pacific survivors. 

Panel members were: 

  • Helena Kaho, facilitator
  • Dr Michael Ligaliga
  • Dorothy Alofivae
  • Dr Jean Mitaera
  • Dr Siautu Alefaio-Tugia