We consider that, in light of the length of time so many survivors have had to wait for puretumu torowhānui, the Crown should move promptly to act on our recommendations by making public its initial response, its likely timetable and its plans for consulting about the design of the puretumu torowhānui system and scheme.
95. The Minister for the Public Service should, within four months of the tabling of this report in the House of Representatives, make public the Crown’s initial response to the report’s recommendations, and this response should include:
- its plan and timetable for giving priority and urgency to claims from elderly or seriously ill survivors, including making interim payments to these survivors where appropriate
- its timetable and resourcing for the Māori Collective and Purapura Ora Collective
- its plan for consulting survivors and their communities about the design of the new puretumu torowhānui system and scheme
- dates by which the puretumu torowhānui scheme will be established and ready to receive claims, and civil litigation reforms enacted.