He karakia timatanga
Te whakaohooho i te ata nei,
Te ranga wairua o tāngata
Ka whakamatara, ka whakapiki
Ki te ata huru, ki te ata hahana
Ki te ata kōrero, ki te ata wānanga
He whakatau ki runga, ā, ki raro
Ka tū ko Rongo ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama
Whiti, whano, haramai te toki,
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
This opening is inspired by a very old Ngāti Apa karakia. It emphasises the significance of the morning as a time of great energy and inspiration. This is a time for ambition and a time to talk, to teach and to learn. By releasing the potential of everyone and everything, this invokes the positive energy of Rongo, the Māori god of peace, to uplift all for the day ahead.