This summary describes the abuse and neglect in State care and in the care of faithbased institutions suffered by Māori survivors and the impacts on them and their whānau, hapū, iwi and hāpori.
Chapter 2 is an executive summary.
Chapter 3 provides the context for this summary, including demographic information about the Māori survivors who registered with the Inquiry, and te Tiriti o Waitangi and ao Māori frameworks that have grounded and shaped the Inquiry’s work.
Chapter 4 discusses the circumstances that contributed to tamariki, rangatahi and pakeke Māori being taken into State and faith-based care.
Chapter 5 summarises the nature and extent of the abuse and neglect that Māori survivors experienced in care.
Chapter 6 examines the lifelong, intergenerational and widespread impacts of abuse and neglect on Māori survivors and their whānau, hapū, iwi and hāpori.
Chapter 7 sets out the Inquiry’s application of its te Tiriti o Waitangi framework.
Chapter 8 describes the factors that caused or contributed to the abuse and neglect of Māori survivors in State and faith-based care. It also summarises the lessons learned and the changes made to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect.