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Showing 181 - 190 of 329 results
Tyrone Marks is 60 years old and is of Māori (Ngāti Raukawa) and Italian descent.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Filetype(s): VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video
Una Jagose QC is the Solicitor-General of New Zealand and the Chief Executive of the Crown Law Office (CLO).
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Detective Superintendent Thomas Fitzgerald will read a statement on behalf of New Zealand Police.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video
Malcolm Burgess is a former Assistant Commissioner of the New Zealand Police who retired from the Police in 2016.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Victor Soeterik is a registered clinical psychologist.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings
Aleyna Hall is the Deputy Chief Executive of the Medical Council.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video, Statement
Mr AA is a 60-year-old man of Irish descent and survivor of the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video, Statement
Dr David Baron is a psychiatrist based in Melbourne, Australia.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings Video
Dr Janice Wilson trained as a psychiatrist and was the Director of Mental Health between 1993 and 2000.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2021
Public hearings