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***Distressing content warning***Ms EM gave evidence of her time in foster care, including the abuse and neglect she suffered at several placements.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated June 2022
Public hearings Statement
***Distressing content warning**Alex Kaspin is a non-binary survivor who was taken into State care as a young child and experienced more than 20 placements before being discharged from care at the age of 17.
Filetype(s): PDFCreated June 2022
Public hearings Statement
***Distressing content warning*** Emily Keddell At the time of the hearing Emily Keddell was an associate professor at the University of Otago.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated June 2022
Public hearings Video, Statement
Te Enga Harris Te Enga Harris is of Māori descent and is the oldest of her siblings, who were also put through the State care system.
Filetype(s): Video, PDFCreated March 2022
Public hearings Video, Statement
Natasha Emery focused her kōrero on her and her late brother’s childhood and adolescence.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated March 2022
Public hearings Video, Statement
Waiana Kotara is of Māori and Scottish descent.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated March 2022
Public hearings Video, Statement
Harry Tutahi was taken into care as a young child and spent time in many State facilities, including Epuni Boys’ Home, Holdsworth and Hōkio Beach.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated March 2022
Public hearings Video, Statement
Wiremu Waikari is of Ngāti Porou descent.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated March 2022
Public hearings Video, Statement
Paora Sweeney grew up in a loving family but suffered the trauma of losing his parents and both his sisters at a young age.
Filetype(s): PDF, VideoCreated March 2022
Public hearings Video, Statement