Chapter 1: Introduction
1. The faith summary highlights the most important faith-specific issues that have arisen throughout the Inquiry and its investigations. This includes a snapshot of the abuse and neglect in care experiences of survivors from faith-based institutions and the specific impacts on them and their families, whānau, kainga and broader community.
2. Chapter 2 provides an executive summary of the experiences of survivors from faith-based care who were abused and neglected in care during the Inquiry period (1950 to 1999).
3. Chapter 3 outlines some background and context to faith-based care in Aotearoa New Zealand and the inclusion of faith-based care in this Inquiry.
4. Chapter 4 discusses the circumstances that contributed to survivors entering faithbased care.
5. Chapter 5 outlines the nature and extent of the abuse and neglect that survivors experienced in faith-based care.
6. Chapter 6 examines the lifelong and widespread impacts of abuse in care with a specific focus on faith-based care.
7. Chapter 7 discusses the faith-specific factors that contributed to abuse and neglect occurring in care. It also summarises the lessons learned and the changes made to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect by faith-based institutions that provided care.