Hearing schedule

Outlined below are the survivors and experts that spoke at the hearing. Witness statements, briefs of evidence, video footage and transcripts of their testimony can be accessed through the links below. 

Day 1: 11 July 2022 

Day 2: 12 July 2022 

Day 3: 13 July 2022 

Day 4: 14 July 2022 

Day 5: 15 July 2022 

Day 6: 18 July 2022 

Day 7: 19 July 2022 

Day 8: 20 July 2022 

Other links

Secret keeper by Catherine Daniels

“If we don't start speaking out about this and making changes it’s going to carry on.” 


Survivor and artist Catherine Daniels shared her experience of abuse in care through her art at the hearing. 

In the four-minute video, The Secret Keeper, Catherine shows pieces of her art and reads pieces of her writing. She shares the impacts of abuse on her life and calls for change to stop abuse happening to more children.  

Catherine experiences debilitating mental distress brought on by abuse she endured, some while in care. She uses art, sculpture and writing to express her feelings and emotions about her childhood trauma, including through a recent exhibition.  Catherine never knew how to express the deep trauma she experiences until she began writing and sculpting her art.